Petits coneixements de vaixella de protecció del medi ambient
2023-08-01 14:15
▪ why will there be real environmental protection lunch boxes and fake environmental protection lunch boxes on the market?
Some manufacturers are subject to conflicts of interest, the cost of real environmental protection lunch boxes is high and the cost of fake environmental protection lunch boxes is low. In spite of the masses
The health of the consumer is still in violation of the standards set by the state for production and sales.
▪ know what kind of lunch box is the real environmental protection lunch box?
1. Good hand feel, uniform product color and texture. High strength;
2. There is no odor when holding hot and cold food;
3. Easy to recycle and use or environmental degradation;
4. harmless to the ecological environment and human health, to meet the national food hygiene standards;
5. El producte té un logotip clar del nom de l'empresa o del codi del producte.
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